Thursday 14 January 2016

Healthy Mind & Body - Accountability - Completion

Weight Loss Help

After Day 60 was completed ( a couple of days late, for sure), I felt a sense of achievement.  A sense of completing what I initially set out to do.  This sense of achievement doesn't stop here though.  Now it's about completing my next 16 week challenge.

In 13 weeks and 4 days (as you may observe, I am not counting!!), I will be turning 50.  My goal for this 16 week challenge, is to achieve a trim, taught and terrific body by then.  This is not a weight loss challenge. It is a challenge about gaining muscle, more energy, clarity of mind and the love of life.  I am turning 50 with a passion, a mission and a sense of well being that I've not had for a while.

Why have I not had that?  It may be the same for you, sometimes you feel that you are just moving forward and not achieving all that you set out to do.  Life gives us obstacles, and hurdles, and curveballs and many other 'things' that steer you off course of what you set out to achieve.

When I was a child, my ambition was to help mankind to health.  This ambition has not changed. It has taken some detours along the way, for sure.  However, ultimately, the core self belief, that this is my mission in life, has remained true.  I trust that is why I support nutrition and I'm a natural therapist!

The only difference now, with completing my 60 day Healthy Mind and Healthy Body course, is that the focus on this mission is defined, it is full of passion and wisdom and it is being done already!  

By helping others achieve their sense of wellness and health, I am already achieving this mission.  My ability to see it in a bigger format has been clarified. I now know more about the depth that I wish to carry this forward.  The people I want to help, the communities that are looking for the particular help I'm offering and the ability for me to complete this mission is growing.

I seem to have gone off on a tangent - do you do that too?  It's the passion I'm feeling, I'm sure.

In order to complete my initial 16 week challenge, I have started my nutritional program again, I have set myself goals and I have initiated an exercise routine.

When are you setting your goals so that they are achieveable?  When are you starting on your Life Journey?


Contact me now to begin your Life Journey and make 2016 your year!

Monday 11 January 2016

Paleo Diet And Intermittent Fasting

Paleo Diets

The up surge of information on Paleo diets and how they are beneficial to your body revolves around the concepts of no processed foods, limited farmed grains, plenty of protein and intermittent fasting.

As highlighted in this article below, the concept of eating 3 square meals a day, evolved around the evolution of agriculture. That is, around 10,000 years ago.  Prior to that, is the concept of Paleo - eat what is available by hunting and gathering, with limited cooking.  That, essentially, is Paleo!

Read on to learn more about the concept of intermittent fasting and the science behind it and why it's successful:

Beyond Detox: How Fasting "Cleanses" Your Cells

In what is yet another clue that performing Isagenix-style Cleanse Days can be profoundly good for you, nutrition scientists are now encouraging the occasional fast or skipping of meals for better health.

Fasting periodically might also bring the added benefit of “cleansing” cells of junk and debris, according to researchers in a review paper published in the November issue of the scientific journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“Cells possess dedicated mechanisms for the removal of damaged molecules and organelles,” the authors wrote.

Challenging the notion that a typical “three square meals a day” regimen should be considered a standard of healthy eating, the authors wrote that giving cells a steady supply of nutrients in this way keeps cells in “growth mode.”

While in continuous growth mode, cells have little chance of going into a cleansing mode that involves a couple of mechanisms:
  • The first is a sort of molecular “tagging” of proteins that targets them for recycling and re-using their amino acid building blocks by a protein degradation complex known as a proteasome.
  • The second is autophagy whereby damaged molecules and organelles are “cleansed” from cells by lysosomes, those membrane-enclosed organelles full of acids and digestive-like enzymes.
Among the authors of the paper were leading scientists from around the world in the field of intermittent fasting, time-restricted feeding, and calorie restriction.

They included Krista Varady, Ph.D., of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), who was the lead researcher of a study evaluating the use of the Isagenix system comprising of intermittent fasting (Cleanse Days) combined with calorie restriction (Shake Days).

The Isagenix study, in fact, was included as one of the references in the article as evidence that intermittent fasting combined with calorie restriction could lead to weight loss, which resulted in suppressed inflammation in the body.

Additional studies from Dr. Varady’s lab and those of Mark Mattson, Ph.D., of the National Institute on Aging, have shown that calorie restriction and, intermittent fasting especially, improved insulin sensitivity while boosting fat metabolism.

Furthermore, these dietary approaches could lead to the elevation of ketones in the body. Ketones are chemicals produced during the breakdown of fat and are known to provide some benefits against brain aging.

Moreover, intermittent fasting in animals has led to production of several brain-protective proteins, improved mitochondrial function, and stimulation of the activity of key antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase and catalase.

To obtain the benefits of calorie restriction and intermittent fasting, the authors advocate an eating pattern modeled after our hunter-gatherer ancestors who ate less frequently. Historically, hunter-gatherers, both ancient and modern, rarely suffered from obesity and functioned at a high level physically and mentally.

According to the authors, the pattern of “three square meals a day” began only after the advent of agriculture 10,000 years ago as a result of a continual year-round food supply. “Our agrarian ancestors adopted a three meals a day eating pattern, presumably because it provided both social and practical benefits for the daily work and school schedules,” the authors wrote.

One of the contributing factors to obesity, they argued, was the adoption of sedentary lifestyles combined with multiple high-calorie meals daily.

Another cause of overeating may also be the advent of artificial light and how it affects our internal circadian clocks, which are intended to function on a daily light-dark cycle. The increase in hours awake leads to more opportunities to overeat while also interfering with the sleep/wake and fast/feed cycle that may be a key factor in regulating appetite and metabolism.

With the adoption of a dietary pattern that incorporates periods of fasting, calorie restriction, or both—such as an Isagenix system—along with exercise, healthy eating, and proper sleep, the authors suggest a number of health benefits including reduction of abdominal fat and improved metabolic and cardiovascular risk markers.

Mattson et al. Meal frequency and timing in health and disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 111 (47):16647–16653, doi: 10.1073/pnas.141396511


To learn more about how I can help you in a weight loss journey, check out my Facebook page for tips, laughs and a sense of fun for your Life Journey

Saturday 9 January 2016

Lose Fat While You Sleep

The Perfect Weight Loss Idea!

How many times have you wondered how you could possibly lose weight while you're sleeping?  Wouldn't that be the easiest, best and quickest way to lose weight?

Well, your luck is in!  It has now been shown scientifically that there are ways you can support your body, to increase the fat burn (especially of that stubborn few pounds/kgs that won't shift from around your waist) overnight.  

Essentially, you need a good nights sleep, there are other ingredients too, read on in the article below

Fat Loss While You Sleep
By Michael Colgan, Ph.D.

“Sticky fat” is a great name for the last ten pounds of fat that refuse to leave the building. Often they stick out from the belly or atop the hip bones. But, in many folk who hit a plateau in weight loss, there’s a lot more fat deep inside plumping them up like a goose… You can’t see it, because it`s visceral fat distributed around the liver and kidneys, intestines and reproductive system. Visceral fat is even stickier. Working with top modeling agencies to solve this problem, we know that starvation diets are never the answer. Starvation strips your facial fat before touching sticky or visceral fat. Starvation creates that gaunt, pale, vampire face, the face that likely started the Goth craze.

So starving is useless for models who depend on their looks for a living. We had to develop some special techniques to remove the fat while saving the face. Together with decent proteins, such as IsaLean® Shake or IsaLean® PRO Shake, and a full complement of micro-nutrients everyday, they have boosted many a modeling career.

The most important strategy is thermogenesis, the creation of heat. It occurs mainly through a mechanism called brown-adipose-tissue (BAT), which permits production of heat directly from bodyfat without going through the energy cycle or being burned in muscular activity (1). That is, you can lose body fat without moving a muscle, even while you sleep.

Usual weight loss programs do not activate BAT. Just the opposite. If you go on sudden food restriction, the body automatically turns down heat production, and energy, as a defense mechanism to conserve its fat. That’s why strict dieters generally feel cold and tired.

Scientists used to think that thermogenesis would not work for everyone, because, unlike bears and some other mammals, humans cannot hibernate. A hibernating bear for example, can lose 300 pounds of fat while it sleeps, as its body converts fat directly to BAT, which then creates the heat required to keep it from freezing over the winter.

We`re not as efficient as bears at activating BAT. Nevertheless, recent technology has allowed us to measure human BAT. The body of a 40-year-old man or woman can make sufficient BAT to provide 15 percent of their total energy, and get it all from body fat (2).

There are four steps to activating BAT and thermogenesis, and you need follow all of them carefully to succeed.

1. Melatonin
The first and most important is melatonin, the hormone that turns on in the brain for your sleep cycle.
Melatonin has long proven beneficial in treatment of the metabolic syndrome and diabetes, but until recently we didn’t know exactly why. Now we do. No accident that the bear turns on copious melatonin to activate BAT during the sleep of hibernation. In bears and humans, melatonin acts to convert white body fat to BAT and heat (3).

After about age 20, melatonin declines the human body. By age 40, it has declined by half. You can get some melatonin from almonds, sunflower seeds, coriander, cardamom, and mustard greens. Unless you eat a lot of them, however, it is insufficient to activate BAT (4). The alternative is supplementary melatonin. But most melatonin pills are deactivated by digestive acids in the gut and first pass through the liver. A liquid melatonin spray such as Sleep Support & Renewal™ spray is much better. It is quickly absorbed in the mouth and easily passes through the blood/brain barrier to targets in the brain.

For stubborn fat loss we have used up to 10 milligrams (mg) of liquid melatonin taken last thing every night. Some folk sleep too soundly on that much and wake groggy. So, if you use it, start with one to three mgs and work up. Don’t miss a day or the body will strongly turn off BAT. Then you are two days behind.

2. Sleeping
Here are essential sleeping criteria for melatonin use for fat loss. Inadequate sleep disrupts BAT activity. So get sufficient sleep, seven to eight hours. Sleep cool, which encourages heat production. And sleep dark which optimizes melatonin release.

Using you cell phone or computer in bed is a special no-no as the wavelength of light used to backlight these devices effectively turns off your melatonin rhythm (5). Now, however, you can get an app called “f-lux,” which changes the backlight so it does not affect melatonin.

3. Morning Thermogenesis

It is essential to continue the thermogenesis and fat loss when you wake up in the morning. A strong cup of Arabica coffee on an empty stomach continues thermogenesis and burns body fat through the BAT mechanism for up to four hours afterwards (6).

The chemicals called catechins in green tea, especially epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), are likely more effective than caffeine (6,7). Isagenix Coffee contains Arabica beans and green tea and is available in organic or premium grind. The Brain Boost & Renewal™ supplement, designed for use in the morning, is a good source of EGCG. For sticky fat loss, we supplement with EGCG every day. An e+™ Shot, which contains caffeine extracted from green tea and yerba mate is about equivalent to the caffeine in a strong cup of coffee. The e+ Shot can be used during the day with no side-effects.

In a recent controlled study, two groups of, healthy men used a moderate reduced calorie diet, plus tea for 12 weeks. One group had green tea extract added to the tea to yield high levels of EGCG. The group consuming this tea lost an average of 5.4 pounds of body fat, approximately twice the loss of the control group. Much of the loss was visceral fat from the belly (7).

4. Omega-3s for All-Day Thermogenesis

To turn on thermogenesis, the body has to produce proteins called Uncoupling-Proteins (UCPs) which uncouple the use of oxygen from the production of ATP (our energy molecule). The oxygen can then go direct to production of heat by mixing with and burning the BAT you have activated. But, whenever it’s visceral fat it is under threat, the body turns UCPs way down.

Recent research shows that high levels of the omega-3 fats EPA and DHA, from marine sources, strongly turn up the UCPs again (8). We use up to four grams daily. IsaOmega is a great source. As with every nutritional supplement, start low and slow. Spread out use with each meal during the day to aid digestion.

1. Melatonin. Up to three sprays of Sleep Support and Renewal every night.
2. Sleeping. Cool, dark, and seven to eight hours.
3. Caffeine. Or EGCG each morning, or both.
4. EPA and DHA. Four grams of each spread throughout the day.

Thermogenesis for life and a lot more health benefits besides. If you can look from the front and see your spine, you’ve gone a bit too far.

About Dr. Colgan
Dr. Michael Colgan is a world-renowned research scientist, leading expert in the inhibition of aging, and a member of the Isagenix Science Advisory Board. Dr. Colgan has provided nutrition, training and anti-aging programs to more than 11,000 athletes, including many Olympians. He is director of his eponymous Colgan Institute, a consulting, educational and research facility concerned with the effects of nutrition and exercise on athletic performance, along with prevention of chronic degenerative disease, and prevention of degeneration of the brain. Dr Colgan’s sports articles are published on his blog  


For more information on how you can source these products, check out my website

Thursday 7 January 2016

Losing Weight And Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting

The concept of intermittent fasting has reached the headlines over the last few years.  It's discussed as a means of resting the digestive system in order for the body to process the excess waste it produces without having to continually digest foods.

This method of nutritional cleansing has worked extremely well for me, both for losing weight and for maintaining my target weight.  Maintenance is something I've struggled with since I've been 12 years old!

Read more below on Why Cleansing With Isagenix Works

Even with weight loss clinics readily available, calorie counts on menus, and public policy initiatives aimed at supporting a healthier population, people are struggling to lose weight and keep it off. Of the 45 million Americans dieting each year, 80 to 90 percent of them will regain all their weight (1). The repeated cycle of weight loss and regain shows that the simple remedy of eating healthier and exercising regularly isn’t working.

A new solution is needed to help people achieve a healthy weight and maintain it. Mounting scientific evidence for intermittent fasting as an effective tool for weight loss and maintenance may be the solution for preventing repeated cycles of dieting. Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating that involves going without food for several hours or up to a couple days. And it can become a lifelong habit.

Cleansing with Isagenix include a specific form of intermittent fasting because cleansers drink the detox-supporting beverage, Cleanse for Life. Not only are cleansers benefiting from intermittent fasting, but they are also supporting their body nutritionally to rid itself of impurities. Cleanse for Life provides nutritional support in the form of antioxidant vitamins and botanicals, which are essential for effective detoxification. Additionally, nutritional support is needed to counteract the oxidative damage caused by toxins.

Studies on intermittent fasting have shown that it’s as effective for weight loss as cutting calories (2). In one study, overweight women who fasted intermittently for six months lost more weight than women who restricted their calories each day (3).

Improves insulin sensitivity
How intermittent fasting works to support weight loss and maintenance is multifaceted. One of the ways intermittent fasting helps is through improving how well insulin ushers glucose from the blood (after eating food) into cells where it is used for energy. It’s an important part of healthy weight management. Similar to how drinking coffee habitually can dull the response to caffeine, an excess of carbohydrate intake can decrease sensitivity to insulin. When people are less sensitive to insulin, they cannot efficiently use the food they eat leading to a cascade of health issues including fatigue and increased hunger—two culprits in weight gain.

Insulin sensitivity is “reset” by fasting. Healthy men who fasted for 20 hours every other day for 15 days had increased rates of glucose uptake, signifying improved insulin sensitivity and better blood sugar control (4). With insulin sensitivity becoming an increasingly common issue among aging adults (5), intermittent fasting may be especially effective for older adults with weight loss goals.

Resets calorie intake
Although it seems counter-intuitive, evidence suggests that when intermittent fasting becomes a lifestyle, less food is commonly consumed during normal calorie days. A study with overweight adults found that they consumed only 20 percent of their normal calorie intake on alternate days (6).

The exact mechanism has not been identified; however, some theories suggest alterations in calorie intake could be due to shrinking of the stomach causing people to become full faster. Another theory suggests that relying on fat for fuel during fasting can up-regulate or down-regulate certain enzymes involved in metabolism affecting appetite regulation. More research is needed, but there’s no denying the benefits of calorie control for weight loss.

Encourages adherence
One of the biggest issues with fad diets is that people cannot adhere to them long-term. They are usually restrictive, can leave people feeling sluggish and tired, and often cause muscle loss. The key to weight loss and maintenance is a diet plan that fits into your lifestyle.

There are various definitions of intermittent fasting and it’s up to the individual to choose what works best for her or him. And while it may seem daunting at first, studies show that satisfaction during fasting increases with time (7).

Maintain muscles mass
Muscle is a very greedy tissue. It requires a lot of calories just to exist and puts the body to work resulting in a higher metabolism. For that reason, muscle is an important player in weight loss. Because fasting requires a period of time without significant food intake (including protein), some fear that it would cause muscle loss.

While long periods of fasting will cause the body to turn to muscle for energy, short periods (24 to 48 hours) are not going to result in significant muscle loss.

A study with 16 obese subjects who incorporated alternate day fasting had an average weight loss of 12 pounds with 99% coming from fat (8). That’s a very different outcome than on most diets—on average, typical dieters shed about 75 percent of weight as fat and 25 percent as muscle, leading to a decreased metabolism and greater risk of weight regain.

Keep weight off for good
Any diet can help you lose weight, but many times it’s at the expense of muscle mass. And once normal eating patterns resume, weight comes back on quickly.

Researchers have evaluated weight patterns for the average dieter. The key is to make a dietary changes that can be maintained for the long-term and support muscle mass. Because there are many ways to do intermittent fasting, it can be integrated into any lifestyle to support weight maintenance.

Cleanse Days, or intermittent fasting days, however, are just another tool in the weight-management toolbox. Combined with a healthy diet including “Shake Days,” regular exercise, quality sleep, and stress-relieving practices like meditation, and they can lead to long-term weight maintenance.

  1. Kramer FM, Jeffery RW, Forester JL, et al. Long-term follow-up of behavioral treatment for obesity: patterns of weight regain among men and women. Int J Obes, 1989:13(2):123-36.
  2. Eshghinia S, Mohammadzadeh F. The effects of modified alternate-day fasting diet on weight loss and CAD risk factors in overweight and obese women. J Diabetes Metab Disord 2013;12:4.
  3. Harvie MN, Pegington M, Mattson MP et al. The effects of intermittent or continuous energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic disease risk markers: a randomized trial in young overweight women. Int J Obes (Lond) 2011;35:714-27.
  4. Halberg N, Henriksen M, Soderhamn N et al. Effect of intermittent fasting and refeeding on insulin action in healthy men. J Appl Physiol 2005;99:2128-36.
  5. Viljoen A, Sinclair AJ. Diabetes and insulin resistance in older people. Med Clin North Am, 2011;95(3):615-29.
  6. Johnson JB, Summer W, Cutler RG, et al. Alternate day calorie restriction improves clinical findings and reduces markers of oxidative stress and inflammation in
    overweight adults with moderate asthma. Free Radic Biol Med, 2007;43(5):665-74.
  7. Klempel MC, Bhutani S, Fitzgibbon, et al. Dietary and physical activity adaptations to alternate day modified fasting: implications for optimal weight loss. Nutr J, 2010;9(35).
  8. Varady KA, Bhutani S, Church EC, et al. Short-term modified alternate-day fasting: a novel dietary strategy for weight loss and cardioprotection in obese adults. Am J Clin Nutr, 2009;90(5):1138-43.

Taken from:

To discover more about why using intermittent fasting has worked for me, check out my story within my blog here, or on Facebook, or on my website

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Looking To Improve Yourself From Within?

This is a great community to join - it's free and will enable you to empower yourself!

Check out Growth U

This is a community about allowing you to grow.  I've spoken often about how growth begins inside and I'm always looking for resources that allow you to do that - this community is free of charge and supportive.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Healthy Mind & Body - Days 46 - 56


When you are committed to something, do you do it consistently, or do you do it haphazardly?  Consistency creates habits, does haphazardly also create habits?

I'm finding in my current Health Mind, Healthy Body challenge, that haphazardly is also creating habits, or at least habitual behaviour.  I'm sure it relates to the accountability option - I need to be seen to complete the program, as I have been talking to you all about this consistently for the last 56 days - now there are only 4 days remaining on the program, and I'm determined to complete each entry ontime. I want to increase my percentage for this aspect!  Finally, the challenge is kicking in.

Isagenix cleanse
Up to date, and the challenge is on!

Does this ever happen to you? Or are you more likely to keep quiet about your journey, in the hope that noone will notice if you don't complete it, or if you fall off the cycle you have been on?

Maybe you are a little like me, when I first began my weight loss journey in 2013, I kept very quiet about it all. I have tried so many different ways to lose weight, and invariably, there was failure.  So my whole mindset was geared up for failure before I even took my first step!

So, what changed this time?  For me, there was an underlying determination to move forward. I'd never been the weight I was in July 2013 before. I was 83kg, a whopping 28kg above what the weight charts determined I 'should' be for my height.

I was also determined to look after my health.  My Dad had just recently passed away from a digestive related disease (oesophageal cancer), and there was a history in my family of various bowel cancers, so the emphasis was on me to change the patterning in my family, to the best that I could.

My mindset was changing, I could see that.  It was a good start.

Then the physical changes began to occur.  Within a week of starting, I was waking up before the alarm, I was experiencing increased energy, I wanted to go out walking again, and best of all, the scales were changing in a downwards direction!! Yay! Shout from the rooftops time!

Nope - not quite yet

Time to make sure it wasn't just a phase, or a loss of fluid, or a blip in the system.

I had to wait until someone noticed the changes in my face, and the changes in my body shape before I would openly admit that I was on a weight loss journey, again.

Funny how you can have a "fat" mind still isn't it?

Well, this "fat" mind, has taken some time (over 2.5 years since I first started my journey) to begin to "see" me differently.

Passing by a mirror when I am at my goal weight can still be a surprise to me, 2 years after reaching my goal weight!  

This course that I have been doing, looks at not only my mindset, but also my attitude towards nutrition, fitness, energy, motivation, gratitude and more.  All have hit rock bottom at various times of my life, and still occasionally do.  One of the joys I experience now is that I no longer berate myself in my head, I no longer plunge into a binge of food and/or alcohol to cope with failure, I no longer throw pity parties and I no longer think "fat"!

These changes to attitudes have certainly helped me to maintain my goal weight, and are now pushing me to have a more toned body, finally I'm accepting that I have a beautiful body and am a beautiful person inside. Certainly, it has been a journey, and one that I have enjoyed bringing people along for the ride with me.

I'm now in the place where I can freely support others to do the same thing as I have been doing, by offering mentoring and guidance (for free, in case you're asking), alongside an amazing system of nutrition and philosophy.

If you're reading this, you're curious, so drop me a line and we'll see if we can get you started today!

Remember, a New Year, can mean a New You

Check me out on Facebook too for more tips and laughs about weight loss!